Marcia Goodwin

Impressionist, Colourist, Concept Artist from Victoria BC
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Marcia Goodwin

Vocals Intermediate Amateur
Guitar Intermediate Amateur
Piano/Keyboards Intermediate Amateur
Composition/Songwriting Intermediate Amateur
Other: Rhythm, percussion, etc.
As an Artist and Creative, watercolour, acrylics, inks, soft pastels and oils all have their place in my life. Landscapes have been my primary focus lately although portraiture and impressionism are also intriguing. In my works, meaning can extend beyond the painted image ie I'm a 'Concept Artist'. I am also a published writer and am presently working on a recently written Children's Book.

Musically, there are many instruments and styles I find fascinating however gravitate toward playing and singing music that inspires others and has a strong rhythm. Connecting with other creatives is most important now. Thank you for this opportunity. Favourite styles include: Folk, Blues, R&B, Big Band, Swing.
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