

The articles system connects profiles in our system to articles written about them, and vice versa. It provides a cultural record of what people are saying about artists, organizations and places in our community, and helps give credit to the articles' creators

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Articles - Podcasts

Blues monster: The mammoth sound of Shane Murphy
Catching up with Montreal blues and roots rocker ahead of acoustic performance November 7 at The Cove Inn
YAM talks to artist Ashley Wilson about her collaboration with photographer Taylor Roades.
APEX BREAKS "Ultimately, what really matters is not the size of the crowd but how engaged they are."
Live-show extraordinaire act APEX BREAKS are quickly rising up through the ranks with their unique twist of Psychedelic Jungle Funk. The devoted 10-piece are carving out a lasting career for themselves, and kindly took part in an interview to delve a litt
They Might Be Giants: Wynn Gogol writes book on songwriting
Wynn Gogol has been involved in enough recording sessions over the years to know what works in a studio setting and what gets in the way of musical momentum.
Linden Singers New Director Press Release
LINDEN SINGERS OF VICTORIA SET TO FLOURISH WITH NEW MUSIC DIRECTOR, EDETTE GAGNE A visionary leader for this choral gem! [Victoria, BC, August 15, 2021] Edette Gagné has been named Music Director of Linden Singers of Victoria, taking...
The Amazing Journey of a MISSA Artist
MaryLou Wakefield, a local Victoria artist, came away with a life-altering experience last summer. It changed her perspective on what she could achieve as an artist— with courage, curiosity and the willingness to take a risk. Here is her story.
The Amazing Journey of a MISSA artist
How MISSA afforded an opportunity for a local artist to exhibit her work in New York and the events that flowed from it. Metchosin International Summer School of the Arts (MISSA), local artist MaryLou Wakefield, Master Printmaker Dan Welden, Southampton
Artist inpires others to deal with grief, trauma
The article talks about how I found my artist, and how letting go really does heal.
Critical Comments
Critical comments by various curators and interviewers of artist Brandy Saturley

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Evan R. Duffy
from Victoria BC
Rachael Faith
Editorial Photography from Victoria BC
Carol Bednarski
Abstract/Impressionism from Victoria BC
Sonic Alley
Reggae from Victoria BC
The Coda Club
Live music venue
Open / Operational
IMAX® Victoria
Experience BC’s largest IMAX screen with 4K laser projecti...
Open / Operational
Nova Arts Hub
Nova Arts Hub is a creative space where you can dream, heal,...
4489 Viewmont Avenue Victoria BC
Open / Operational
Glentana Village Recreation Centre
The Glentana Village Recreation Centre (GVRC) is a small com...
Open / Operational

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