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Articles - Podcasts

Blues monster: The mammoth sound of Shane Murphy
Catching up with Montreal blues and roots rocker ahead of acoustic performance November 7 at The Cove Inn
YAM talks to artist Ashley Wilson about her collaboration with photographer Taylor Roades.
APEX BREAKS "Ultimately, what really matters is not the size of the crowd but how engaged they are."
Live-show extraordinaire act APEX BREAKS are quickly rising up through the ranks with their unique twist of Psychedelic Jungle Funk. The devoted 10-piece are carving out a lasting career for themselves, and kindly took part in an interview to delve a litt
They Might Be Giants: Wynn Gogol writes book on songwriting
Wynn Gogol has been involved in enough recording sessions over the years to know what works in a studio setting and what gets in the way of musical momentum.
Linden Singers New Director Press Release
LINDEN SINGERS OF VICTORIA SET TO FLOURISH WITH NEW MUSIC DIRECTOR, EDETTE GAGNE A visionary leader for this choral gem! [Victoria, BC, August 15, 2021] Edette Gagné has been named Music Director of Linden Singers of Victoria, taking...
The Amazing Journey of a MISSA Artist
MaryLou Wakefield, a local Victoria artist, came away with a life-altering experience last summer. It changed her perspective on what she could achieve as an artist— with courage, curiosity and the willingness to take a risk. Here is her story.
The Amazing Journey of a MISSA artist
How MISSA afforded an opportunity for a local artist to exhibit her work in New York and the events that flowed from it. Metchosin International Summer School of the Arts (MISSA), local artist MaryLou Wakefield, Master Printmaker Dan Welden, Southampton
Artist inpires others to deal with grief, trauma
The article talks about how I found my artist, and how letting go really does heal.
Critical Comments
Critical comments by various curators and interviewers of artist Brandy Saturley
Greatest Resource in Earth
Illustrator Val Lawton is interviewed by Calgary Public Library regarding her illustration career and the impact of the library
Absolute Underground #85 - XXX-MAS Issue!
Oceanside85 has a new Darksynth album out Absolution and in here to spread the synth gospel to the masses
Saanich elementary students draw attention to local ecosystem with art
Grade 4/5 students attending McKenzie Elementary produce poems and pictures for Swan Creek bridge
Do Tell - YAM Magazine
I was recently interviewed for the "Do Tell" section of YAM Magazine (Sept/October, Style Issue). For editing purposes, the full interview was cut short, the link provided is the full interview.
The Zone's Band Of The Month
Hush Hush Noise - Band Of The Month
VIctoria Musicians Stage Tribute to Gord Downie
Victoria musicians stage tribute to Gord Downie. Proceeds benefit Cool Aid Society and BC Cancer Agency. Interview with Lola Parks. Show organized by James Kasper of Mighty Speck Records.
EL Have Been a Band for 10 Years
Eric joins Jon Williams on the Afternoon Zone to talk about the upcoming 10th Anniversary of the band.
Around Town Finding the Fun Side of Sin City
The Times Colonist attended a preview of Sin City the Improvised Serial and spoke with several cast members about the exciting Vegas 1961 setting, and the thrill of performing improvised theatre.
Victoria`s Filming Boom Benefits Locals
Times Colonist interviews Kirsten Van Ritzen about her acting roles in television movies filmed in Victoria in 2015.
Jazz Sextet Continues To Groove
She’s been at it for 35 years, but Toni Blodgett’s love of jazz continues to fuel her band’s unique blend of what she calls “more traditional” music. What it really means is her group has access to a vast repertoire of jazz tunes and has develo
Deb Rhymer is dedicated to the blues
Deb Rhymer has worn numerous hats over the years, from Bette Midler impersonator to daycare operator. But the one that fits her best is blues booster. Rhymer, a Victoria native, spends almost all her waking hours dedicated to blues, eith...
Yvonne Blomer: the City's Poet
Yvonne was interviewed for the Sept/Oct 2015 issue of YAM magazine, where she discussed her role as Victoria’s Poet Laureate.
Trish Shwart's Factory and Fetishes
This is the Sleep Factory, Trish Shwart’s exhibition at Martin Batchelor Gallery that opened on November 7th, with a persuasive performance by the artist as a marketeer, and continues with a visual smorgasbord of parodies that explore the commodificatio
Behind The Canvas: Michael Abraham
From Our profile series 'Behind the Canvas' this week with Canadian artist, Michael Abraham. We have been following Michael's work for more than a decade and he continues to evolve, playing with scale, texture and expanding fro
E-Choppers For Mobility
Bruce Dean’s story is one of inspiration and creativity. After a skiing accident left his knees badly injured he was prescribed a mobility scooter to help him get around, something he personally viewed as “a death sentence.” He did...
Roy Vizer from Jon & Roy – Interview
Victoria locals Jon and Roy have released a new album entitled Let It Go, which is a subtle departure from their previous and wildly successful album Homes. I spoke with Roy Vizer (drums/percussion) about the new album, the road, and what life at home in
Collector starts own label to help preserve rare recordings
Jason Flower’s fantastical journey in music has taken him to some faraway places. Poland, India, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland. All the while, Flower kept tabs on music being produced at home and abroad, which resulted in the creation of Suprem
Interview with Rocky Mountain Rebel Music
Interview with RMRM done in October, 2012 by D'Arcy Briggs Ska Fest: So first off, RMRM have become known as one of the region's best ska, reggae, and party bands. What were some of the original ideas behind the group and how would yo...
Interview with The Delirians
Interview with The Delirians done in June, 2012 by D'Arcy Briggs Ska Fest: When and where did you guys meet? When did you decide to form the band? Delirians:  Most of us, like many other bands, grew up in the punk rock scene, ...
Interview with Dope Soda
Interview with Dope Soda was done in June, 2012 by D'Arcy Briggs Ska Fest: When and where do you guys meet? When did you decide to form the band?   Dope Soda: Well Dope Soda was a project I have been wanting to do for a v...
Get Lucky with Tom Holliston!
I’ve always thought that someone should rhyme “Erik Estrada” with “vagina dentata” in a song, and it occurred to me, when I came late and awestruck to the solo output of songwriter and Nomeansno/Hanson Brothers guitarist Tom Holli...
Scatterheart: Redefining the Rainbow
There aren’t a lot of modern rock bands running around spouting an ethos of love, harmony and goodwill toward one other. In a market where the gloomy, aggressive or just plain aloof is king, you wouldn't think these kinds of happy cuddly ...

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Evan R. Duffy
from Victoria BC
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Carol Bednarski
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Sonic Alley
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The Coda Club
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IMAX® Victoria
Experience BC’s largest IMAX screen with 4K laser projecti...
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Nova Arts Hub
Nova Arts Hub is a creative space where you can dream, heal,...
4489 Viewmont Avenue Victoria BC
Open / Operational
Glentana Village Recreation Centre
The Glentana Village Recreation Centre (GVRC) is a small com...
Open / Operational

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