Bend Sinister Interview

Skinny: How long have you guys been around?

BS: We've been around since 2001.

Skinny: Describe your sound.

BS: We started as an instrumental prog rock band, and since then we've sort of progressed into more of a piano-driven rock band. I sometimes like to classify it as ‘epic rock’.

Skinny: How many albums have you released?

BS:We did 2 albums as an instrumental band but our first bigger release was Through the Broken City in 2005 on Storyboard Records. In 2007 we released the Bend Sinister EP on Distort Records.

Skinny: Describe the new album and where it was recorded. Is it available on vinyl as well as cd?

BS: Our new album, Stories of Brothers Tales of Lovers is coming out October 21st on Distort. We recorded it with producer Shawn Cole at various studios around town including Fadermaster studios, Hipposonic, The Spaceship, and the old Mushroom studios. The album is being released on cd for now but we will be releasing it as a double LP when we can find the $$.

Skinny: How did you get hooked up with the Rio and what can we expect from the show?

BS: Last spring while we were recording I went to see a movie at the Rio and I realized it would be an amazing venue for a show. It has a 550 capacity and a huge stage and I really like theatre shows so it seemed a perfect match for us to do our album release. After the film I asked the person working the door how to get ahold of the owners and got a telephone number. They had never had any shows there at that time and were a bit wary about starting to, but we agreed on a rental price and went from there. At the show we are going to play our whole new album from start to finish with guest singers and musicians playing along with us. I am also putting together visuals with local filmmaker Gareth Madoc-Jones. The Green Hour band and The Old Familiar are opening the night with the show starting at 9 sharp.

Skinny: Who did that psychedelic poster?

BS: The poster was done by Mark Hall Patch, a local artist (

Skinny: Anything else you want to tell the readers?

BS: I urge people, even if you don't know our music to come check out this show! For 10$ (the price of a movie) you'll get to see a show that I am sure people will be glad they didn't miss. I really want to bring to Vancouver the vibe of the old theatre style shows like those in San Francisco back in the day and I hope this is the first of many to come. Did I mention there will be beer and wine too? And ideally a natural smoke machine vibe if you get my drift! Posted: Oct 27, 2008
In this Article Artist(s) Bend Sinister